Plugin Tag: cache
WP Static Cache
(0 total ratings)A very simple & fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files for your site.
My WP Fast
(1 total ratings)Make your Wordpress website super fast by minimizing and merging your JS and CSS files. This plugin have CDN option, lazy load and much more.
WP RSS Cache Flusher
(0 total ratings)WP RSS Cache Flusher is a simple plugin for flushing the Magpie RSS cache from WordPress' database.
Josie API
(0 total ratings)Adds endpoints for menus & tax-queries, as well as a server-side cache and CORS headers for the WordPress REST API.
Page Cache on Cloudflare
(0 total ratings)The fastest cache pages on Cloudflare with purge by button and automatic. You can specify URLs and cookies to exclude caching.
Vivio Swift
(0 total ratings)The Vivio Swift WordPress Accelerator (beta) improves your sites speed and load times by providing a comprehensive page caching system that completely …
API Cache Pro
(0 total ratings)This plugin enables caching for the WordPress REST API to improve performance. Once enabled you can modify the basic settings via the Customizer.
WP CSS Merge
(0 total ratings)This plugins detects all of the styles queued via wp_enqueue_style. Contents of each css file are copied and stored in a single css file.
(0 total ratings)Easily update WordPress transients in the background via AJAX to increase site speed and avoid long page load times. Hoeboe can be especially helpful …
{eac}Doojigger ObjectCache – SQLite powered WP_Object_Cache Drop-in.
(1 total ratings){eac}ObjectCache is a drop-in persistent object cache using a SQLite database to cache WordPress objects.
Simple Toolkit
(0 total ratings)Simple Toolkit is a plugin that provides simple and useful tools for WordPress websites. With this plugin, you can easily disable comments, duplicate …
(1 total ratings)WooFlare provides automated Cloudflare cache control for WooCommerce stores.
Flush Transients
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to flush WordPress transients, plain and simple.
REST Cache
(0 total ratings)A very fast REST cache for WordPress, powered by Laravel. This project is more of a learning exercise for myself, rather than a production plugin, how …
Mihan WP Cache
(1 total ratings)Really simple cache plugin! Caching creates an ultra-fast load time, essential for improving Search Engine Optimization and increasing conversions.
Jinx Fast-Cache
(0 total ratings)Jinx Fast-Cache is a blazing fast full page cache for WordPress, written for developers. The goal was to create a caching plugin without the overhead …