Plugin Tag: custom post types
Custom Post Type Privacy
(0 total ratings)Stable Tag 0.3 Custom Post Type Privacy allows WordPress authors to grant access to users and groups of users across all posts, pages and custom post …
Simple custom post likes
(1 total ratings)Appends a custom likes box that allows a user to like any post type from the front end.
(0 total ratings)Pollux allows you to easily add custom Post Types, Taxonomies, Meta Boxes, Global Settings, Archive Page meta, and more…all within mere minutes.
Gym Master Components – Essential Features For Gym Master Theme
(0 total ratings)Easy and smart way to add Custom Post Types.
Rapid Custom Post Types
(0 total ratings)Easy way to add custom post types without having to recreate all the boilerplate meta code.
Query Editor
(0 total ratings)Adds a simple set of options to modify the default query by changing what post types are used, the ordering and more.
Add Pingbacks
(0 total ratings)Manually add pingbacks to any post, page, or custom post type in WordPress.
KontrolWP – Kontrol WordPress Developer Kit
(0 total ratings)KontrolWP is an advanced Wordpress plugin for developers. Easily create CMS sites using advanced custom fields, custom post types, SEO and more.
TypeRocket UI
(4 total ratings)This plugin provides a powerful user interface for creating post types, taxonomies, and meta boxes.
Boone's Sortable Columns
(0 total ratings)A handy, extensible class for adding sortable columns your custom post type lists.
WPS Post Type Search
(0 total ratings)Creates a search widget to allow you to search single/multiple post types
Naveed Post Types
(0 total ratings)Naveed Post Types is an elegant way to create custom post types and custom taxonomies in WordPress.
(0 total ratings)KickPress gives your WordPress website a full featured API, including remote access authentication for 3rd party websites and mobile apps.
Subordinate Post Type Helpers
(1 total ratings)This plugin provides a number of helpers functions to aid in the creation of subordinate relationships between two post types.
Post Hierarchy Menu
(1 total ratings)Adds a widget that will display a nested list of any post type based on it's hierarchy.